Innovation Stream

As part of a real time evaluation of the SARS CoV 2 pandemic (with focus on epidemiological, medical, economical, societal, technical and cultural developments in Germany and Armenia) the CoronaSys research team, under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Martin Voss, is conducting a continuous monitoring of developments and medical, technical, and social innovations concerning Covid-19.

Multiple national and international media outlets, research platforms and scientific and organizational guidelines, briefs and updates are screened to feed into this outlet. The rationale behind this is to support the projects’ network partners in Armenia and Germany with short summaries of key developments and promising innovations that are shaping the global, German and Armenian outbreak response and recovery.

The aim of these short briefs is to give condensed and structured information on selected innovations emerging out of the conducted horizon scanning. This could be mainstream big-ticket items or fringe subjects that are easily overlooked in the global flood of information. Some innovations will be followed through their evolution in time while others may only appear once. While subjectively selected, the briefs are descriptive in nature and leave analysis and critical interpretation to the reader. Network partners in both countries are invited to provide feedback on their interest areas and suggest particularly relevant topics for the CoronaSys Workshop series.

The CoronaSys Innovation Sheet Series is published by the Academy of the Disaster Research Unit, which is, as a non-profit limited liability company, a spin-off of the Disaster Research Unit at the Free University of Berlin. The series is part of the research project “CoronaSys: Addressing the corona pandemic in Armenia through systemic risk management”, sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

For any inquiries, please feel free to contact the team lead Sara Merkes ( or the project lead Martin Voss (